38 Year Veteran Officer

I am in my 38th year of full time law enforcement, retired once. I am back on the road in another agency. I train police officers and police canine teams in advanced patrol tactics. I attended the Vector Shield Instructor Course more than a year ago with officers from Rhode Island and Connecticut. I have carried a Vector Shield in my cruiser since that day.

I have deployed it numerous times on high risk motor vehicle stops, high risk warrant services and when clearing rooms. I have carried it into yards where I knew there were dogs. It is a great barrier to deflect an animal attack or an advance from a suspect.

The Shield is by far the most versatile piece of defense equipment for the patrol officer I have encountered. It is light, versatile in close quarters and the ballistic protection it provides is astounding. There was no arm fatigue during the shooting course or while searching for extended periods of time.

My son is a police officer in an urban environment. I rest easier knowing he has access to the Vector in his cruiser. There are endless uses for the Vector Shield. There is one reason to carry one and that is to increase your survivability.


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